Our Masterpieces...Err, Our Novels

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Contest Alert!

Workout Song of the Day: "3" by Britney Spears

Because I love you, I've decided to share the wealth about news of an upcoming contest. Vicious Writers is having their own month-long writing event. However, unlike NaNoWriMo, in ViNoWriMo, you're given a story topic on New Year's Eve. Then, for the month of January, you have to complete a 50,000 word novel based on that particular topic. Difficult? Yes. Fun? Hell to the yes!

The chosen winner will receive $500, as well as an opportunity to publish your novel with Key Publications. I know, I never heard of them either--but they will be releasing their first novel in January 2010 by Nazarea Andrews. And who might that be? Only the winner of the ViNoWriMo contest in 2009!

So go ahead and take a crack at it. I doubt I'll be able to participate this time around since I'm so focused on "cleaning up" my current WIP. Any takers?

1 comment:

Marquita Hockaday said...

Neat contest! I might have to get that a try :) Thanks for posting it.