It's Wednesday so that can only mean one thing. No, not America's Next Top Model--last week was the finale. It means our chicas at YA Highway is once again inviting everyone to participate in Road Trip Wednesday. This week they want us to give them our six-word memoirs. That's right--our life stories in just. Six. Words. This is hard for two ladies who are self-acclaimed motormouths, but here goes it:
Okay, that sounds really pathetic, but it's actually more inspiring than you think. I tend to whine and procrastinate sometimes when I have to get things done. But once I've accomplished something major--whether it's write a first draft, meet a deadline at work, or get a request for a full--the victory is that much sweeter. So yeah, I may whimper at times, but I dust myself off and try again and again until I'm successful.
Quita is a history buff (SNORE--just kidding. Kinda.) In fact, she teaches history full-time while pursuing her writing career. She feels that it's best to learn from her mistakes in order to keep moving forward. If something didn't work before, she's going to figure out why and then keep going until she gets it right. I'm serious--I've seen her try to assemble things without an instructional manual. Pure torture.
So that's us in a nutshell. What would YOUR six-word memoir be? :)
Both of those are really great!
Ooh I like both of yours - so thoughtful!
Good stuff! Both of yours! I'm cheating this week by reading others' first...I'm inspired enough now and ready to take this on on.
I think these are great! And as one motormouth to another (er, 2 others), I agree! This is hard!
I'm laughing about I came. I saw. I whimpered. If I did that one, it would end with "I bitched," I think. LOL
Veni vidi whimperi! Love it.
Those are so good! LOL at yours Pam!
Mine would be: She struggled, but not in vein. :)
Pam's made me LOL, and I always love a history-themed anything!
A memoir with a sense of humor. I like it!
Love both of these and how they relate to your lives. *whimper* ftw ;) <3 you both!
These are so different, but they're both great! :)
I totally agree - so hard to get things condensed down into six words. Actually, my husband probably wouldn't have a problem, but then he isn't nearly the motor-mouth I am. :)
Great memoirs.
Love them both! It's neat how six little words can tell you so much about a person. :)
Awesome! You girls are deep!
I adore the wordplay in Quita's memoir and the power you get from you memoir, Pam!
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