Our Masterpieces...Err, Our Novels

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day 1, 15 Pounds to Go!

Workout Song of the Day: "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette

Okay, so writers have a reputation of just sitting around and, well...writing. Of course, I know that this isn't true, but I had to rethink this assumption as I had to go up a size on my latest shopping excursion.

This isn't about vanity--though I must say I would love to rock some skinny jeans without a muffin top. This is about being physically fit; I'm tired of being out of breath when I climb the stairs to my 3rd floor apartment. It's embarrassing. When a neighbor tries to speak to me, I have to smile through gritted teeth while a trail of sweat trickles down my forehead.

I went out for a 40 minute walk today. Eventually I'll jog, but...well, I'm lazy. Baby steps for now. And I don't want to burn myself out before I reach my goal. I may be participating in NaNoWriMo for the first time this year, and I'm going to have a time juggling that massive amount of writing (not to mention working 2 jobs and completing assignments for my MFA) with my new workout schedule. I would love your support. In the meantime, check out my Day 1 pic above. You will notice that I'm smiling because this is pre-walk.

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