Our Masterpieces...Err, Our Novels

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Once, Twice, Three Times the Story

No, we have not gone senile... we didn't forget to announce our winners, we just wanted to give more people a chance to enter our contest. You will now have until next Wednesday at midnight(11-17-2010) to enter for a chance to win an Amazon gift card and an awesome YA book!

Reading Song of the Day: "3" by Britney Spears (check it out on the Rock With Us tab)

Raise your hand if you have read The Hunger Games trilogy? The Twilight series? Okay, so we can't really see your hands...but you get the point. These two series are where our expertise ends. We've started others (Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater, The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan, Fallen by Lauren Kate) but we know there are so many others out there that we haven't been able to read/find yet.

This is a problem.

For our next writing adventures we are taking the plunge into this territory hard core. We are not only composing (ideas for) trilogies for our NaNoWriMo projects--Pam's is based on fairies, mine on djinns or genies--but we are also co-writing one (more of a dystopian) and we needs our peeps to help us out! We get the basics, all novels need a beginning, a middle, and an end. And we get that each book in a trilogy (should) stand alone. But what about paranormal novels? How much do you expose in the beginning to get the reader hooked? Are prologues neccessary?

I think it's pretty clear that we can use your guidance. What other paranormal, dystopian, supernatural YA trilogies/series can you all think of that we need to read in order to get some good research done? OR if you are creating your own trilogy please share a tip or two about your process.


Holly Hill said...

I don't do prologues. I don't like to read them, so I definitely don't write them. ;)

Well, you know the best series of all time is Harry Potter. (Of course I'd say that) Nathan Bransford has even done blog posts on learning about writing from HP this week.

Mistwood was a really good fantasy too...but the second book hasn't come out yet. Hmm...I'll have to think about this some more.

Racquel Henry said...

Yay! Trilogies? That's awesome! And hey I'll read your books about fairies and genies....I just don't like ghosts, goblins, or vampires! LOL