Our Masterpieces...Err, Our Novels

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Say What?

Reading Song of the Day: "Say It To Me Now" by Glen Hansard

Wednesday. Middle of the week. Road Trip Wednesday with the ladies of YA Highway. All the best things. Today they want us to:

Write a dialogue between two of your favorite YA characters.

So. Hard.

This would have been fun if we had the energy to come up with this post in more time than one day. We're running on fumes that are not quite creative...so, instead, we're gonna show you what most dialogue in YA novels consists of:

First: Conflict

Second: Conflict solved...people are happy for awhile. Alas, not for long...

Third: More conflict and we're left waiting for the next book OR dreaming up a happy ending. Unless, of course the book is by Stephanie Perkins or John Green AKA Masters of Delicious Dialogue!

 So, this is what happens when our brains can't function. We promise to be more creative next time! What do you guys think dialogue in YA novels is like?


Crystal said...

Stephanie Perkins DOES write some amazing dialogue. It's all goosebumpy and spine-tingling :) I think she needs to write a craft book about writing love stories so we can all learn from her genius.

Alex Mullarky said...

Hehe. Personally I enjoyed the pictures :)

Unknown said...

This was funny. I actually think a lot gets accomplished through dialogue in YA. But maybe that's more character building/plot, and not resolution.

Tracey Neithercott said...

Nice breakdown! John Green is the god of dialog. I'd like to crawl into his brain and find out how he does that because he's so good at it.

Jessica Love said...

Ha...I was in the same boat. I just didn't have the energy to come up with anything. But this was a great breakdown!

Cacy said...

I like my dialogue peppered with humor. If you don't make me laugh I stop reading!

Okay, not really. Humor obviously isn't appropriate for every conversation, but when I think of my favorite reads from the past year, the characters' senses of humor, especially when it's two characters playing against each other in a conversation, is often a common thread.

Drink Recipes said...

Lovely blog youu have