Writing Song of the Day: "Half Alive" by Secondhand Serenade
So, we stole this idea from the awesome
Katy Upperman. We had planned to give you all weekly updates on our NaNo novels but...well, we were doing ALL THE THINGS in addition to writing our NaNo novels. Since we both have crossed over the halfway point (woo hoo!), we felt this was a good time to let you all know how we're doing...
Pam's Update:
Progress (word count or a general status update): 26,404
Current Mood: Hungry. A bit overwhelmed. But, surprisingly, I still like my story.
Inspiration: Not a quote from anyone--but this is the first time during NaNo that I've written a story that I ACTUALLY believe that I'll return to and revise. In fact, I can't wait to start revising it!
Goals as of Today: I usually try to reach at least 2000 words, but I'm a little stuck. So tonight, I plot a little more and make up the word count over the weekend.
Recent Favorite NaNo WIP Bit:
“I see you didn’t have to go far for your costume.” I tug at his basketball jersey. I actually tug
it. I guess a beer and a half does wonders to my confidence.
Brandon shrugs. “Lots of kids want to be basketball players when they grow up.”
“Lots of kids want to be Brandon Lane when they grow up,” I correct.
Non-NaNo News (because life DOES go on): Well, Quita and I had the AWESOME opportunity of seeing one of our favorite actors, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, in person (more on that next week)! In less exciting news, I injured my foot in an accident last month, and it's still bugging me. Alas, I have to report to the doctor next week to see what's going on. Boo.
In my downtime (ha!) I’m reading: I've been starting and abandoning lots of novels lately--with hopes that I can return to them once I get some extra time (because THAT will happen). I most recently cracked open Ellen Hopkins' adult novel,
Triangles. So good so far!!
Quita's Update:
Progress (word count or a general status update): Over 26K
Current Mood: Agitated that I can’t just write and instead must be responsible. However, I am also getting excited about where my novel is going.
Inspiration: Two words: Five Guys.
Goals as of Today: I want to try and get at least 4k done by the end of this weekend.
Recent Favorite NaNo-WiP Bit:
“What do you know about voices?”
Walker tapped his chin. “Like cartoon voices? I’m pretty sure I know who talks Bart Simpson.”
Kenzie laughed. “No…like, voices, voices.”
Walker stopped walking and stared at Kenzie. “Like, voices in your head and sh*t? Like schizophrenia?”
Kenzie continued to walk, already regretting that she said anything to Walker.
Non-NaNo News (because life DOES go on): We just saw JGL
LIVE last night. Also, I’m working on finding more internship opportunities in the publishing world.
In My Downtime (ha!) I'm Reading: Rage Within (Dark Inside # 2) by Jeyn Roberts. Proving to be just as good as the first book!
Both of Our Updates:
You should read this blog post: Shady Business by the uber smart literary agent, Sarah LaPolla. A very informative look at the legitimacy of newer agents and publishers.
Gratuitous Photograph (because we love ‘em!):
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Joseph Gordon-Levitt at The National in Richmond, VA (11/15/12) The moment where Quita lost it & cried... |
For all of our fellow NaNo-ers out there, how are you doing? For the non NaNo-ers, what have you all been up to?