Thursday, March 31, 2011
Read All About It!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
WIAWAB Acknowledgements Blogfest!
Okay, so our sister from another mister, Blue Lipstick Samurai, is throwing a WIAWAB Acknowledgements Blogfest--or "When I Actually Write A Book, You Will Be Acknowledged." Here are the rules:
Write an acknowledgement blurb for 12 people, with 12 reasons. But not just ANY twelve people:
•3 people you know IRL.
•3 people you know online.
•1 person who has died.
•1 person you never met.
•1 person you met once.
•1 couple (so, 2 people).
•1 author.
Pretty tricky, huh? Nevertheless, we wanted to give it a stab. Here we go...
Pam's Choices:
3 People I Know IRL (In Real Life):
1. Quita: Because she'll hit me if I don't.
2. Trisha: My cuz and Quita's older sis. She was technically the first writer of the family because she's the oldest, and I used to love copying everything that she did.
3. Tee Tee: My niece, and favorite cranky teenager. She keeps me "hip."
3 People I Know Online:
1. Racquel: Okay, technically this is cheating because I met her in my MFA program first--but since she lives so far away (*cries*), we mostly communicate online. She's our adopted little sis--not to mention co-founder of Black Fox Literary Magazine.
2. Blue Lipstick Samurai: Hello? She comes up with awesome blogfests like this--not to mention she's the coolest teenager aside from my lovely niece.
3. My Paper Hangover Crew...oh, and Abby...oh, and Erinn...oh, and Jamie...oh, and the lovely ladies from YA Highway...Gah! Far too many to thank...how about just all my awesome followers??
1 Person Who Has Died: Okay, sentimental moment, but I'd have to thank my uncle, Duke (and Quita's dad).
1 Person You Never Met: I've technically never met my super agent, Sarah LaPolla, so she'd obviously have to go here. :)
1 Person You Met Once: Ummm, I have no clue. I hardly remember ANYONE I've met if it was only once. Hmm, well, I did see Kirsten Hubbard for a millisecond at LA SCBWI--and I think she's a pretty fantastic writer. So, there you have it...
1 Couple: My mom and dad. Well, they aren't actually together anymore, but come on! It's my mom and dad! I'd have to thank them somewhere.
1 Author: This is so unfair. I have too many favorite authors! Okay, okay, if I had to choose, it'd be the lovely Judy Blume. Hey, she's the one that made me fall in love with words.
Quita's Choices:
3 People I Know In Real Life (IRL):
Okay...sorry but this gonna be slightly repetitious:
1. Pam: cuz she's my cuz...and she makes me write better.
2. Trisha: My older sis who used to write with me and Pam on a daily basis. She was a part of our first critique group and I hope she starts to write again soon.
3. I have to tie all of my nieces and nephews (cheating, I KNOW!) Tee Tee (like Pam said), and the boys b/c they are 5, 4, and 2...so much material there.
3 People I Know Online:
Okay, I'm going to try to not repeat all of Pam's choices (btw- our online friends are interchangeable- meaning ALL of the people in both mine and Pam's choices would be thanked by BOTH of us)
1. Racquel- duh, same reasons Pam said :P
2. Alicia- for providing such dry wit and support whenever necessary. And also for the fact that she is willing to BETA read for me :D
3. Jamie Manning- for being such an awesome support and providing excellent eye candy on Fridays...and also being willing to BETA read for me!
1 Person Who Has Died: My daddy. We lost him almost three years ago (April 24th, 2008) to cancer. He left us way too soon. He won't get to see me get married or sell my first novel, but I know he'll be looking down on me.
1 Person You Never Met: R. L. Stine for assuring me with his books that I NEEDED to write thriller, mystery, horror-esque novels at some point in my life.
1 Person You Met Once: Michelle Wolfson (cheat alert and Mitchell Waters), for showing me that agents really ARE just people and it's not so bad to go up and introduce yourself.
1 Couple: Can I cheat here and say my mom? Just b/c I would definitely thank her and I didn't get to put her anywhere else, yet. After dad passed though, mom is technically a "couple" on her own. She has always been strong and there for me whenever I needed her. She supports my dreams and because of her pushing me to wake up every morning and go to school, I'm where I am today.
1 Author: Like Pam said, this is a mean one. We luvs our authors! I guess I would have to go with Joyce Carol Oates b/c she writes Young Adult with just as much badassness as her Adult works.
Monday, March 28, 2011
You Win Some...And You Win Some

Elmo says "hi" from his two...

Two people hanging out on a two...
A balloon filled two...
Have you had enough two's??? Hope not b/c we still have to announce our TWO winners! Without further delay...
The Winner of the Reading Prize Pack is...
The Winner of the Writer's Prize Pack is...
Thanks to EVERYONE who entered. And don't worry, you know we'll have more contests for you later!!! Winners, check your e-mails for further insturctions :D
WAIT! Before you go. We have a favor to ask. We've noticed that a few of our bloggy pals have been requesting questions from their followers. We would like to do the same. Ask us ANYTHING! How do we start writing new WIPs, how do we like to drink our coffee, how do we manage to not kill one another every day...whatever! We'll collect the questions and answer them next Monday, April 4th, 2011! We look forward to your questions!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Debut Author Challenge # 4: The Liar Society by Lisa and Laura Roecker

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
RTW: Won't You Be My Neighbor?

One more 'gin it's time to road trip with our pals over at YA Highway. This week's prompt:

Tell us, what book character would you want to be your neighbor?
2.) Did you see we're having a contest???!!! Well, we are! Click here to enter. You have until Saturday (March 26th, 2011) at midnight EST to enter.
Monday, March 21, 2011
200 Followers? I Smell a Contest!
Anywho...we figured this occasion shouldn't go unnoticed, so we've decided to have a small contest!
Here's the deal: since we're celebrating 200 followers, we'll have 2 winners that'll each win 2 prizes.
First, the Readers Prize Pack:

Second, the Writers Prize Pack:

What do you have to do? Just fill out the form below! You have until Saturday, March 26 at midnight, EST to enter. We'll announce the winners next Monday! Good luck--and thanks for following!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
ALERT: An Agent Wants YOU!

My lovely cuz/sis found an AWESOME contest this past week and brought it to my attention. Since I remain on the hunt for an agent she directed it my way. The awesome peeps at YAtopia are offering a chance for unknown writers to get their work out there!
They are allowing us to enter a pitch to THE Ammi-Joan Paquette who does not accept unsolicited material. Talk about a once in a life time opportunity! All you have to do is:
A.) Creat a blog post, Tweet, or update status your status on Facebook about this fantabulous contest!
B.) Leave your name, e-mail address, title, two sentence pitch, and first line of your manuscript in the comments of their blog.
C.) Hold your breath and wait!
Click here to enter and learn more about this contest. DON'T MISS IT--or do miss it. Hell, that gives me a better chance ;)
Friday, March 18, 2011
Flash Fiction Friday #2: Biting the Dust

Thursday, March 17, 2011
First Lines Critiques: Last Day!
Okay, we're a little sad. We had such a good time helping out our fellow writers this week. In case you've missed it, last week we asked some of you to submit your first few lines of your WIPs, and we offered an open forum to receive some awesome feedback. Click here to check out Day 1's submissions, and here for Day 2.
We know you know the rules, but we're a bit anal (insert 13-year-old boy snicker). Here are some questions to ask yourself when critiquing:
1. Does the opening shock you?
2. Does the opening pull you in and make you want to read more?
3. Is the voice apparent?
4. Do you have an idea of the pending conflict?
5. Do you get a sense of the setting?
Again, you do NOT have to answer all of these questions--they're just to get the ball rolling. By the way, thank you SO MUCH for all of you brave souls who were willing to put your work out there, and thanks TONS to our followers for chiming in with help.
Now, for the last time, here are the submissions:
Title: Freakhouse
Genre: Middle Grade
Author's Name: Lisa-Marie
First Lines: "Of course you know, the place is haunted," the real estate agent said with a big, dorky grin. The tag pinned to his bright blue blazer read George Finkle. A funny sounding name for a funny looking guy: short, not a lot of hair, and has what my dad used to call a “beer belly”.
Title: Between Shades of Gray
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Author's Name: Amy Thomas
First Lines: People are selfish. It’s a basic truth, just like the sky is blue or the grass is green. People are selfish, cruel and weak; and I must do everything in my power not give in to the weakness.
Title: Distraction
Genre: Women's Fiction
Author's Name: Anonymous
First Lines: They lay coiled together like two serpents, spent by their passion. Justine’s lashes lowered once, twice, and she shifted to stay awake. Xavier stirred behind her and a hand crept over her hip and covered her breast.
*BTW, are you a fan of flash fiction? Then swing by here and my group blog, Paper Hangover, tomorrow for Flash Fiction Friday. Tomorrow's topic: "In 300 words or less, write a story beginning with the cliche, 'Another One Bites the Dust.'" Just post it on your blog and leave the link on Paper Hangover's comments! :)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
RTW: Formula for Mass Destruction (Or Using Real Life Characters)

Once again, it's Road Trip Tiiiiiiiime! (We luvs us some Jersey shore *fist pump*). We're going on our weekly trip with our YA Highway sistahs and this week they wanna know:

The purpose of this picture?...
The formula above makes it harder for people we know (who might read it some day) to KNOW we're writing them into a story/novel. This keeps the peace.
To answer the MAIN question (since we can't really say WHO), this is what we've done in terms of writing people we know in a manuscript:
*Used a lot of our niece's mannerisms/phrases and general hate for life to shape our YA characters.
*Used names of students/co-workers that seem interesting.
*Used the likeness (i.e. appearance) of co-workers/students/family members/bums on the street.
*Used some character traits (crazy hair; obnoxiously loud voices) based on family & co-workers.
*Used something about students/co-workers that stuck out and based the entire character around it (i.e. an eccentric accent; bright green shoes; skinny jeans etc.).
What about you? How often do the people you meet show up in your writing? And how do you do this smoothly w/out worrying about hurting someone's feelings?
***BTW- Don't forget about our critiquing madness this weeks. We're helping writers with their first lines, click here for Day 1, and here for Day 2. Thanks in advance!***
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
First Lines Critiques: Day 2!
It's time to take another look at your awesome first lines! Last week, we requested and you all came through big time! Please Note: You can STILL critique for Day 1--I'm sure the authors would love more feedback. :)
Brief overview: we're posting some first lines entries from a few of our brave followers, and you all help them out by giving them feedback (which you guys rock at, by the way).
We mentioned this yesterday, but we're known for repeating ourselves. Here are some questions to ask yourself when critiquing:
1. Does the opening shock you?
2. Does the opening pull you in and make you want to read more?
3. Is the voice apparent?
4. Do you have an idea of the pending conflict?
5. Do you get a sense of the setting?
Anything else that you can help them out with would be great. Remember, you don't HAVE to answer all of these questions. Heck, you don't even have to comment on each of the entries, but it sure would be nice. :) Here's our next 4 submissions:
Title: Untitled
Genre: New Adult
Author's Name: Alicia Gregoire
First Lines: I was late for the first day of freshman orientation, but as far as I was concerned, it was justified. My best friend, my confidant, the sole person who understood the betrayal I had felt when I discovered my ex with someone else, had left me that morning for the army. The understatement of the year would be to say that I handled his departure poorly.
Title: Cursed
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Author's Name: Amie Kaufman
First Lines: Samuel was already running when the miller's shed exploded. The wind whistled behind him and he closed his eyes as it overtook him, lifting him off his feet. For a brief moment, he soared.
Title: The Way Things Fall Apart
Genre: YA Contemporary
Author's Name: Danielle Bunner
First Lines: It all started when the cold came. Fast, brittle, unexpected. That first morning in late October when it snowed on the way to school and I stopped walking to watch it all fall around me.
Title: Untitled
Genre: Fantasy
Author's Name: Alex Mullarky
First Lines: Even in the dark I could tell it was there. It is the black shape in the sky that blots out the stars.
Monday, March 14, 2011
First Lines Critiques: Day 1!
It's here, you guys! Last week, we put out a call for you all to submit the first few lines of your WIPs, and we have quite a few brave followers. So brave, in fact, that we're able to spread out the critiques throughout this week--woo hoo!
Here's the deal: we're posting 3-4 submissions each day, and in the comments section, please provide constructive feedback (click here if you want to know exactly what NOT to do!).
Here are some questions to ask yourself when critiquing:
1. Does the opening shock you?
2. Does the opening pull you in and make you want to read more?
3. Is the voice apparent?
4. Do you have an idea of the pending conflict?
5. Do you get a sense of the setting?
Include any other kind of feedback that may be helpful. Remember, we're all here to help. Without further ado, here's the first 4 submissions:
Title: Generation Z
Genre: N/A
Author's Name: Jamie Manning
First Three Lines: I want to brand the cow’s hide so bad it hurts. I want to push the glowing red “G” into the heifer’s large black-and-white rump and hear it sizzle and watch it smoke and hear the cow yell in protest. I want to see my Dad smile and be proud of me for once.
Title: Safe
Genre: YA Fantasy
Author's Name: Glenna
First Three Lines: Life began at the Source, and life will return to it in time. That is the truth that none can dispute. That is the law that birthed all others.
Title: No System At All
Genre: YA
Author's Name: Erinn
First Three Lines: There was a rumor floating about the suburbs of Princeton, New Jersey that the McCaffrey brothers destroyed lives. If you were a douche of unspeakable proportions they paid you a visit. The McCaffrey brothers’ punishments were so swift and fitting the douches either changes their ways, moved, or went to jail. It wasn’t just a rumor.
Title: Alive
Genre: YA Sci-Fi
Author's Name: TN
First Three Lines: The alcohol was always cold. Henry swabbed my arm, raising goosebumps with each swipe. My teeth chattered.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Paper Hangover Flash Fiction Fridays: Attempt # 1
I hated him from the moment Dad brought him home. To make me forget about Rick. This darn lazy cat, Chemo is supposed to take away my ache for Rick.
Darn cat. I can’t curse. Not even in my head. Dad will know. He said so. “Don’t even THINK about cursing. I’ll know, Alexis. I’ll know.”
So I don’t.
It’s not like I’m naïve, I mean, I’m freaking fifteen…but Dad is scary as sh—I mean, hell, I mean…he’s scary. He knew about Rick—even when I was trying to be sneaky. Once Dad knew, I never saw Rick again. It’s not like I didn’t try. I did. Rick is just gone. In his place I have the fat orange and white cat, Chemo. Dad named him. Said he would cure the cancer that Rick put in me.

And now I have no clue where he went. He could be in a detention home, in jail, or just locked away in his bedroom. I try not to think the worst. But after three weeks of no new texts or e-mails…I can only think that Dad’s done it again.
Just like when I really liked Jamal in eighth grade. He disappeared and Dad brought home one of those rescue dogs. He named her Penny, short for penicillin. She died in her sleep.
I coax Chemo until he brings his fat body to me. I stroke his fur.
Dad might have missed my message with Penny, but he’ll get it for sure this time.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Constructive Criticism My A@#!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
RTW: Like Mike...Not Really
It's time for Road Trip Wednesday again--woot woot! The lovely ladies at YA Highway are asking this week: I would have given anything to be like...

Monday, March 7, 2011
The First Line is the Deepest...

While traveling the blogiverse lately, we've noticed that a lot of our fellow writers are offering up their blogs as a forum for critiquing and helping out our writing brethren. We would like to join in this fun and open up our blog as yet another place to give and receive feedback.
So, how do you write engaging first lines?
There are several theories out there about this. Some think you should shock your readers to make them read more. I hope the shock value works b/c in my WIP, The Blues (working title) this is how the novel starts:
Henry Knight was found bludgeoned to death early this morning.
Others think you should write a declarative sentence to start off the pacing of your novel: He was an old and cranky man.
OR you can give some description to let the reader know exactly where they are: It was a dark and stormy night with gray skies and tortured leaves whirling around the red brick two story house. (Yes, this sentence is awful)
One of the other effective methods is to ask a question: How do you get over your first true love?
Check out this article for more on the topic of first lines. Here is another one to help you out. Also, our buddy Erinn at Something Else to Distract Me had a cool first lines contest a while back that offered some good info on this topic. Check it out here. Lindsay N. Currie also offers up some info on the topic of first lines here. There's a pic of Tom Cruise in his undies--just a lil' more inspiration for you to go and read it :D
Which of these does your WIP have if any???
Now for the real reason behind this post...we want to have a critiquing day! We would love for you all (our devoted stalkers, er...followers) to participate by sending us your first lines. We will post the lines (it can be anonymously if you'd like) NEXT MONDAY, March 14th, 2011 and in the comments your fellow writers (who are quite nice and supportive) will leave critiques stating whether the first lines are effective or not and what you can do to revise them.
SOOO...if you want in (and we really hope you do!) send your firt THREE lines (can be less than three but no more than three) to cuzwewrite@gmail.com by Saturday, March 12th, 2011 at 12PM ET. In the e-mail put the title of your writing, your genre (YA/MG/Adult--historical, contemp. etc.), your name that you want posted on the blog (if you want anonymous, say so), and the first THREE lines of your piece of writing.
We hope you guys participate--it will be fun and helpful!
WAIT! Before you leave...share some of your own fave first lines OR tell us what you think makes a good first line.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Gone But Not Forgotten Blogfest!!!

It's FRIDAY!!! Not only the end of the work week for us, but also the day we get to share our favorite shows that are no longer making new episodes.
We had MAY-JAH fun with Alicia, Holly, and Erinn when we did the Page 99 Blogfest a while back, so we teamed up with them again to bring you the Gone But Not Forgotten Blogfest. Click here to see who else is hopping in this fest!
We luvs us some TV. It's an escape (and sometimes a distraction) but we can't tell you how many ideas we got from some of our faves like Prison Break and Friends. As writers, TV shows are very helpful to our craft. As a matter of fact, our # 1 fave show taught us a lot about pacing, voice, and awesometastic dialogue!

Fastlane: Fastlane starred Dr. Carlisle Cullen himself, Peter Faccinelli (looking sexy as evah!) and Bill Bellamy as two smooth, sarcastic, and hilarious cops forced to work together by their siren of a police lieutenant played by Tiffani Amber Thiessan. Most of the charm of the show came from the interactions between Bellamy and Faccinelli. They had contrasting personalities, but you could tell they would kill for one another--and it was awesome seeing Thiessan in a position of power over these two boys.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: This show starred Lena Headey as the show's namesake and Thomas Dekker (cutie!) as her son. Their relationship was touching and realistic and one of the things that made this show work so well. Oh, and there was a kick ass machine. Summer Glau played the bot sent to protect Sarah and John Connor. Brian Austin Green also cameoed as John's uncle (are you seeing a pattern here?) Between the relationships, the technology, and the bad guys, Terminator kept us entertained, guessing, and intrigued. This was a show that was clearly too advanced and smart for the American public (no offense to any of our blog readers/friends--you are all very intelligent). The SC Chronicles aired from 2008-2009 with 31 episodes.

Okay...so we cheated by making a "tie" but we couldn't decide! What about you, what show (s) do you wish you could see new episodes of?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
What Agents Want: Steampunk!
What Agents Want is a new series in which we will research what trends/topics agents are looking for right now. We'll give you information on the trend/topic and the agent that is looking for this specific type of project. The better to query with, my dears.

There are several agents that are looking for steampunk novels. Amongst them is Kathleen Ortiz of Lowenstein Associates. It even says on their website that steampunk is one of the genres that Kathleen is desperately seeking.
- It meshes science fiction, alternate history, and speculative fiction
- It involves an era where steam is still used (as a source of energy)
- Usually set in the 19th century and Victorian era Britain
- Science fiction and fantasy are prominent features
- It is influenced by Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Mark Twain, and Mary Shelly
- Usually features technology and innovations in the style that Victorians would have seen them
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
Boneshaker (The Clockwork Century # 1) by Cherie Priest

Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices #1) by Cassandra Clare

So...if you have already written and polished your steampunk novel, OR if you are planning to write one (and you swear to polish, polish, polish it) then query Ms. Ortiz. How? Send an e-query to: assistant@bookhaven.com . Include the word QUERY and the title of your novel in the subject line. Address the query to Ms. Ortiz and paste the first ten pages into the body of the e-mail. DO NOT ATTACH your pages. The agency responds to all queries and usually does so in two to four weeks. For more detailed information on submissions, go here.
Neverending Page Turner
Interview: The Punching Bag Fights Back
**DISCLAIMER** We are BY NO MEANS telling anyone to follow trends or try to hurry and write novels based on these features. This is for people who have written, or have been thinking about writing, on the topic presented.
Did you know about steampunk before reading this post? Or better yet, have you already started a WIP in this genre???
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
New Blog!!
Oh, and we may be kicking off our grand opening this week with a few giveaways (wink, wink).
So what are you waiting for? Head on over and check it out! :)