Seriously ladies at YA Highway...did you ransack my laptop and read my manuscript In Limbo when forming this week's Road Trip Wednesday question??? It really seems like it :) Yep, you guessed it- it's that time of the week again to road trip with YA Highway and this week they want to know what time period we would travel to for research if we could go back in history.
Well, I am a history teacher on the side so this is an easy enough question for me...but then it's hard to choose! I heart studying Ancient Rome, Greece, the Civ

So, I guess it makes sense to stick with the time period of my manuscript that I finished over the summer. In Limbo is set during 1918- at the tail end of World War One and when Spanish Influenza started to ransack American cities (especially Philadelphia where my novel is set)

We are so excited to hear where the rest of you would like to visit- who knows it might end up in my next WIP :)
Very cool era. I think I'd want to visit that time just for the gorgeous fashion!
What a cool time period to research. I have to say, other than the Bolshevik Revolution, I know nothing about the end of WWI. It'd definitely be cool to see.
My ms is also set in Philadelphia, but 1876 -- so that's the era I chose for RTW! :)
Susan- OMG- I love the Bolshevik Revolution (I tell Pam about it whenever she needs to take a nap :)) but World War I is a great time period and a huge shift occured in our culture after it (the roaring 20's).
Meredith- the fashion was really cool!
Ooh, good choice. But could someone please kill me now, because I read Spanish Influenza and immediately thought "That's what Edward was dying of." *sigh*
^Sarah, I thought the same thing. /fail
But I think the *actual* spanish influenza (and that time period) would definitely be interesting to see in person (as long as you, you know, survived.)
I agree with Meredith. All that lovely fashion and the lead-in to the roarin' 20's would be so cool.
I knew you would pick that time period as soon as I saw this question! And I SO still want to read your novel!
On another note, for some reason y'all's blog doesn't show up in my dashboard updates, even though I am a follower... any ideas why??
^another Edward fail here.
But yes- what a huge turning point that was in history. I took a really interesting "Between the World Wars" class in college and could dig up titles of what we read, if you want!
Abby- That's really strange :( I guess it is because we changed the website url to Maybe you need to re-follow??? That sucks- that must be why we get less visitors now :( I wonder if there is some kind of mass thing we can send out.
Kate- I would LOVE those titles. You can send to my e-mail: Thanks!
I think anywhere between 1918-1929 (no Great Depression for me!) would be amazing, to see the world after its first total war, and to experience the 1920s - Gatsby has led me to believe it would be the best time to be rich, and a flapper. :D
Yes. I'll go with you. And hell, I'll stay through the Depression. The jazz made it worth it! :)
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