It's Friday. Quita and I are usually WAY happier about that, but this weekend...we have to present our MFA theses. Gulp. On the plus side, we also get to graduate and party--woo hoo!!
Another plus? That we get to share Friday Fives with you! This week, Paper Hangover wants to know:
Which FIVE authors are YOU dying to meet?
We got to meet so many ah-may-zing authors last weekend at the SCBWI Conference--many who would've made this list, such as Ellen Hopkins, Steve Brezenoff, and Laurie Halse Anderson (who we found out actually mentioned us to other people at the conference. Say what?!!!). However, there are still five--okay, we cheated--SEVEN more authors we'd love to rub elbows with:
1. John Green: So yeah, I almost cried when I found out he couldn't make it to the conference last weekend due to gallbladder removal surgery. However, having had this procedure myself, I'm aware of how much it can suck--so I hope he recuperates well so that I can stalk...I mean, MEET him some time in the near future.
2. Cormac McCarthy/Joyce Carol Oates: Quita loves these two. I mean, really LOVES them. She couldn't stop raving about Zombie after reading it, and her fan-girl moments over McCarthy inspired me to make one of my characters in Wants be a huge fan of his work, as well.
3. Courtney Summers: What can I say about Ms. Summers that I already haven't said on this blog? That I think she's awesome? Yep, already went there. That I want to be her when I grow up (despite the fact that I'm older)? Yeah, check that off too. Every page she's ever written just leaves me in complete awe.
4. Blake Nelson: Another favorite of Quita's. She says that he NAILS (yes, she was that enthused) the teen voice, and even when it seems like he's writing about nothing, she can't peel her eyes away. Hmm, I think it's about time I pick up one of his books...
5. Jodi Picoult/Stephen King: I couldn't choose between my two favorite adult writers! King is the Master of Suspense--if I ever have a problem with tension or pacing, I like to refer to one of his works. And Jodi? A few years ago, when I was bombarded with reading things that I did NOT want to read for my English classes, Jodi reminded me what it was that I loved about stories in the first place. Her characters are so real and heartfelt.
So, I know we left a few of our faves out, so maybe we'll update this list in the future. What about you all? What authors are you loving up on?
1. John Green: So yeah, I almost cried when I found out he couldn't make it to the conference last weekend due to gallbladder removal surgery. However, having had this procedure myself, I'm aware of how much it can suck--so I hope he recuperates well so that I can stalk...I mean, MEET him some time in the near future.
2. Cormac McCarthy/Joyce Carol Oates: Quita loves these two. I mean, really LOVES them. She couldn't stop raving about Zombie after reading it, and her fan-girl moments over McCarthy inspired me to make one of my characters in Wants be a huge fan of his work, as well.
3. Courtney Summers: What can I say about Ms. Summers that I already haven't said on this blog? That I think she's awesome? Yep, already went there. That I want to be her when I grow up (despite the fact that I'm older)? Yeah, check that off too. Every page she's ever written just leaves me in complete awe.
4. Blake Nelson: Another favorite of Quita's. She says that he NAILS (yes, she was that enthused) the teen voice, and even when it seems like he's writing about nothing, she can't peel her eyes away. Hmm, I think it's about time I pick up one of his books...
5. Jodi Picoult/Stephen King: I couldn't choose between my two favorite adult writers! King is the Master of Suspense--if I ever have a problem with tension or pacing, I like to refer to one of his works. And Jodi? A few years ago, when I was bombarded with reading things that I did NOT want to read for my English classes, Jodi reminded me what it was that I loved about stories in the first place. Her characters are so real and heartfelt.
So, I know we left a few of our faves out, so maybe we'll update this list in the future. What about you all? What authors are you loving up on?
How cool that you got to rub elbows with Laurie Halse Anderson. I am oh' so jealous.
A shout out from LHA- you guys are amazing!
Love your list. Full of good stuff.
Break a leg with your theses!
And great list
Ladies, you have a great list! I have some crushes on some of your authors. I would love to Deb Caletti, Scott Westerfeld, Suzanne Collins, Philip Pullman, and Laini Taylor.
I'm jealous of your Ellen Hopkins meet! And I heard about John Green - would love to meet him too some day.
Good luck on your theses. I'm working on an MFA thesis also, so I share your pain!
Great list, especially #2! I wish I could have blogged about this one. It would have been FUN. :)
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