You see, we spent pretty much the whole time asking: "Why did she do that?" "Why did he do that?" "Why did they do that?" "Why didn't we see Contagion instead?"
Every question (aside from the last one) had something to do with character motivation. Quita and I were clueless about what these characters wanted, and why they reacted the way that they did. On the plus side, it helped us reflect on the characterization in our own writing. This movie proved to us that CHARACTER MOTIVATION is crucial in making your story believable...and if you want yours to shine, here's what you need to do:
1. Ask yourself what does your character want. Well, duh. But this does not always have to happen in your first draft. The first draft is for you to figure out everything--almost like a getting to know you phase with your characters. The revision process is when you really understand your characters. So help us, the readers, understand them through their thoughts, their dialogue, and their actions.
2. What is standing in your character's way? At some point in the movie, something really awful happens to the Kate Bosworth character--and then she makes a decision that completely baffled Quita and me. We didn't understand her obstacle because...well, her character was pretty muddled and lame. So once you've established what your characters want on the page, the obstacle should be just as clear. But it should also make sense. If your character has a terrifying fear of cats, don't make him just enter a room with a bunch of strays to create an obstacle. Why does he need to be in that room?
3. What would your character sacrifice to get what he wants? If you've seen the previews to Straw Dogs, you can safely assume that there is a LOT of sacrificing going on. But Quita and I still didn't get it. Again, this is because we were clueless about ANY of the characters' motivations. So, if tips #1 and #2 were done in a clear, yet creative, way--we're going to understand why your character sacrifices his safety and freedom to run his truck through a farmhouse (this may or may not have happened in Straw Dogs).
Quita and I aren't fans of being spoon fed information in stories, but we have to understand the point in order to enjoy it. Oh, and since I did mention Mr. Skarsgard in the title, I only think it's fair to include a small sample of him in the movie:
I've never been of fan of Eric from True Blood, but I'm telling you that scene had some serious eye candy.
Now where was I?? Oh yes--motivation! What are your thoughts on it, lovelies?
Totally. There is nothing that takes me out of a book or movie faster than characters making bafflingly dumb choices. I used to be a 'plot first, characters maybe eventually' kind of girl, but I've learned my lesson. Character is everything.
Without character motivation, I get bored. I need to understand what's going through their minds, and understand why they want the things they want.
Excellent points, ladies! Character motivation is a most important (and most difficult) necessity to every story told...thanks for reminding us!
And after seeing this picture, how can you NOT be a fan of Eric?! *hothothothothot*
yowza- smokin' photo!
Okay, what was I going to say?
I read about the older version of this film online last week b/c the previews were freaking me out. (I'm curious and also a total wuss, so I read the wikipedia pages of horror films. Lame.) Anyway- it sounds like the original also had some issues with motivation. Thanks for seeing this so I don't have to. :0)
I agree about character motivation. Even if a character does something dumb or terrible, if you don't see them wrestle with it in some way, or see some kind of resolution to why they did it, yeah it's infuriating. Some movies have this way of driving the story with plot plot plot, but don't take time to consider each character and whether they would do something. I think it's a disconnect btwn the writer and director/producer who are often cutting or reshooting scenes.
Alexander is dreamy... I'd see the movie for that reason alone!
Very good points about characters. If we can't answer these questions, our characters will be very flat and shallow.
Yay, we're so glad that you all got some benefit out of the torture we experienced from watching Straw Dogs.
@Anonymous...thanks for your take on the film. I guess we can see some of those points you made as being valid, but overall we just don't think there was ENOUGH motivation to make us FEEL anything for these characters. Therefore we just didn't care enough to come to those conclusions.
First let me say that I agree. If you're completely lost and can't figure out what the character wants...that's a problem. Two, I was just talking with my sorority sister today about how cute Mr. Skarsgard is. :)
Oh, good! Glad it wasn't just me asking why the Kate Bosworth character did ANY of the things she did. *sigh* Much love to all 6'4" of Mr. Skarsgard, though. ;)
Nice post!
Marie at the Cheetah
This movie is SO not a Jess movie. I didn't realize until I saw the preview that one of my ridiculously major fears is irrational bullies in groups with weapons. :-\ And then after reading Anon's spoilers...yeah, not my thing.
Anyway, you're so right about character motivation!
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