*sigh* The Summer has officially ended and we are wrapping up our first week of school. That means four days down, 176 to go! But we can still relish in the ah-may-zing books we read over the summer...
What? Paper Hangover wants us to do that???
Well, okay then...
This week's Friday Fives from that awesome blog group mentioned above is:
What are the FIVE best books you read this summer?
In no particular order, here are the five books we loved on over the summer:

Brooklyn, Burning by Steve Brezenoff: Pam gave love to Brezenoff's new masterpiece here (and also loved on him in other spots on our blog). This book made her feel. And she loved, loved, adored the imagery and mysteriousness of the MC and his/her love interest.
Recovery Road by Blake Nelson: I've already loved on this book enough here...but just in case you need to know MORE, know this--Nelson is a master at pacing. The story moves along fast, but not so fast that you're wondering what the *bleep* happened with that plot line or this conflict. MASTER, I say!

Looking For Alaska by John Green: I am such a late passenger on the John Green train, but I ain't getting off! This book hooked me from the first page. The MC is likable, believable, and made me feel every single emotion that he was going through. LOVE!
What books did you love all up on this summer?
Man I love Looking for Alaska! My younger brother just read it and he never reads ANYTHING, but he loved it too. Can't blame him.
I have the last two (one I won and one I got free at the RWA conf), but I've yet to read them. But I will. One day. Soon.
I only have read LFA, but these others keep popping up as people's faves. Will have to check 'em out.
I'm late to that John Green train too, but people are always raving about his books. I definitely want to read one soon! :)
Looking for Alaska is such a good book. Glad you enjoyed it. I'm excited to read Brooklyn, Burning too.
I was late to board the John Green train as well, but it was worth the wait. He's such a good writer.
I suck at life--I've only read John Green's book! But yeah, all the others have been on my radar for a loooong time. Especially BOY TOY (Barry Lyga is a genius).
The John Green train is the BEST train.
I am LOVING the John Green love, you guys. Really wish I could've met him at SCBWI this past summer. :(
I've only read Looking for Alaska on this list (which I loved) so I need to check the others out. :)
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