Friday is here, and Quita and I could not be more excited! Our week has been...hectic. But we're still taking the time to join Paper Hangover for the Friday Fives. This week they want to know:

And our choices are:
1. Our home office. It is a requirement now for both of us to have some kind of space at home to complete our writing. Of course, some times we're too lazy to make it there so we use our...
2. Living room. Yes, we have imprints of our butts on the couch. We each have our own side, and we sit like zombies in front of laptops--completely quiet, completely focused (well, sometimes...hence why I used the term "zombies").
3. Starbucks. We recently had to go there due to a power outage. I didn't think I would get much work done since I'm EASILY distracted (oh airplane), but I loved the environment. Everyone there was so productive, which really rubbed off on me.

4. Our patio. The sunshine. The birds. The neighbors that provide endless amounts of writing material. Need I say more?
5. A writing retreat. Quita and I were lucky enough to attend two writing retreats--one with our Weekend of Awesome buds, and another organized by SCBWI. The amount of work we got done at both was truly outstanding. There's nothing like going away with the sole purpose of writing--we'll deal with life's drama when we return home.

What about you all? What are some of your fave writing locations?
P.S. Don't forget to enter our The Near Witch book giveaway!
Great ones! I'll definitely have to agree on most of these. :0)
My couch also has an unflattering imprint of my butt.
I love my new desk in my rented uni house, it's so quiet - I have to sit in the living room at home because I get too cosy in my bedroom, which consists of a bed and a door!
I actually just discovered a new one the other day!
I was staying the weekend with family who happens to not have internet or a DVR (yeah, color me horrified). So I decided to put my plethora of free time to good use and write. Since the house was too noisy (they're talkers for sure!), I went to Books-A-Million. Of course I've been there like, well, A-Million times, but never to write. It was like floodgates opening once I sat down in there...loved it!
Oh, I'd love to go on a writing retreat - how cool! :) I love writing on my bed. Don't know why, it's just so comfy!
The couch is a great place to work, as long as the TV isn't on.
Ha! I have butt imprints on my couch, too. I switch back and forth between my couch and desk chair whenever I hit a block.
The writing retreat sounds like a lot of fun. I always seem to get lots of ideas at writing events.
I'm loving the writing environment at Starbucks, too. I'm so productive there!
Must say the writing retreat looks and sounds like great productive fun. I tend to write anywhere I can, at home, at my sisters, at work, on the bus. One of those people who scribble notes down on any piece of paper I can find.
Have a great weekend =]
Glad we're not alone w/ the butt imprints on the couch. I'm actualy typing THIS while sitting in said imprint...
The writing retreat was a lot fun and we plan to do it again. Those of you who've never been to one need to try it out, stat :D
My spaces are similar to yours. My office space, my living room, my bed, and my porch that overlooks a lake are my favorites. I wish I would have participated in this Friday Fives topic LOL. :)
I can't wait to have a home office. In the meantime, when I write at home I do so on the desk in our living room or on the couch. Usually I prefer leaving the house to write at Starbucks or other cafes. I find I can concentrate better even with the noise around me.
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