It's that time again! Half way through the work week and Road Trip Wednesday:) This week the ladies of YA Highway are asking:
What are your all-time favorite book covers?
Book covers are essential. We all know that some people buy books mainly based on the cover. Some of the covers we feature here are ones that we are guilty of buying due to the cover art alone. Without further adieu enjoy some of these fantastic BEST book covers ever!

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin: As soon as we saw this cover--we HAD to have this book. It's mysterious and absolutely gorgeous. We can't wait to read it :D
Who DOESN"T love this cover? It's intense
and enticing and breathtaking :D

19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult: It's simple. Lovely, beautiful and it makes you want to know who these people are and why they're holding hands.
Your go! Tell us what book covers are your faves of all time :)
Great choices! Twilight stands out to me too. And Mara's cover is breath taking.
I agree-MARA DYER has a phenomenal cover. It gives me chills.
Mara Dyer's cover is gorgeous. Not only that, but it makes me ask questions--is the boy saving or drowning the girl? It's eerie and beautiful at once.
I've always liked the Twilight cover, too---even more when I read about the symbolism. The apple is there as a symbol of temptation, like the Garden of Eden. Pretty cool to think about it that way!
Mara Dyer cover = GORGEOUS! (it's on my list too) I have to say, I think Twilight should probably have been on my list too - it definitely catches the eye and I think it kind of prompted this influx of awesome covers. Also, I think Nineteen Minutes is easily one of the best books I've ever read. Good choices!
The Twilight cover makes me giggle a bit. (Actually, a lot about Twilight does that.)
I know everyone loves the Mara Dyer cover, but it doesn't do anything for me. Like, right now I'm looking at it to determine WHY and all I want to do is scroll past it again. Maybe it's the hue of the background?
I've always liked the Twilight cover--the whole series' covers, actually.
I almost put Hush Hush on my list too! And the Twilight covers are so iconic - but most people have seen them so often, they tend to overlook them.
Good choices. I like the cover of Hush Hush and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. Also Twilight was really eye-catching and it seemed to inspire so many other covers.
LOVE the new header!!! and the covers are excellent.
I really love the Mara Dyer cover, too. So haunting!
I am so excited to read Mara Dyer, and it's all because of the beautiful cover. Well, that and the awesome author who wrote it... ;)
That Hush, Hush cover is awesome! That makes me want to pick it up, turn it over and read the back cover to find out what it's all about! :)
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